Members Connect 5.0: Arrangements for Placements and Professional Practice in 2020-2021

Arrangements for Placements and Professional Practice in 2020-2021

We held our fifth ‘members connect’ online conversation on 3rd June and convened to discuss ‘Arrangements for Placements and Professional Practice in 2020-2021’. The session was very well attended with representatives from over 20 institutions plus officers from PSRB bodies across the UK.

The discussion focussed on how Institutions have responded to QAA guidance on protecting students from being disadvantaged as requested in the NUS open letter that addresses the need for a ‘no detriment’ policy with a particular focus on forecasts for placements and professional practice in 2020-2021. The session aimed to consult and build on the current PSRB guidance provided by the NYA for England, CLD for Scotland, ETS Wales and NSETS Ireland that has made exceptional allowances for students completing their qualifications in this academic year.

There was a rich discussion that put forward challenges, ideas and solutions to contingency arrangements if social distancing arrangements persist throughout 2020-201.

Headlines from from the discussion are being discussed by PSRB leads across the four nations and include:

  1. The carry forward of ‘allowances’ and contingencies for placements in 2020-2021

    Colleagues suggested that further dispensation be offered to students progressing to their final year of study so not to compound disadvantage (i.e. reducing required practice hours)

  2. Flexibility for the timing of delivery of placement modules

    Colleagues spoke of flexing modular timetables to run later in the academic year (or at a different level of study) when it is possible more face-to-face contact may be possible.

  3. Creativity in providing opportunities for demonstrating professional competency

    Colleagues discussed a range of more virtual, in class and flexible approaches to accounting for professional competency where skills and knowledge were transferable or demonstrable outside of typical youth work practice contexts.

  4. Guidance for placement providers in adapting to Covid-19

    Colleagues were conscious of the pressing demands on practice environments and the need for further guidance and support at a practice level.

  5. Consideration of minor modifications to programmes

    Colleagues were aware that minor modifications to programmes may be needed if Covid-19 conditions persist or become the ‘new normal.

There was also a common agreement that colleagues needed to be trusted to make professional judgements in exceptional circumstances and that ongoing consultation with PSRB representatives and external examiners would be key to maintaining quality of programmes in 2020-2021.

The PSRB representatives were supportive and cognisant of the challenges that Institutions were faced with and have committed to publishing further guidance in advance of the new academic year.

UPDATE: 24.06.2020 - The ETS Committee for England has drafted new guidance for institutions with regards the 2020-21 academic year that will be presented to ETS on 7th July 2020 and be made available to institutions shortly after this date.

UPDATE 10.07:2020 - The ETS Committee for England has published its latest guidance for institutions providing professional qualifications in the light of continuing Covid-19 concerns. This guidance relates to ongoing arrangements for the 2020-2021 Academic Year: DOWNLOAD VIA THIS LINK