Connect through Individual Membership

The Association is committed to connecting academics, educators and researchers working in Universities and wider youth and community sector agencies. We welcome new members from across the youth and community work sector that share our interest in education and research. Information on joining the association is found on our membership page where categories of membership and the application process is explained. We also invite those unable, or who do not qualify, to join us as individual members.

Connect through Institutional Subscription

The majority of our members are lecturers in institutions or agencies offering further and higher education programmes that offer qualifications in youth and community work (or related fields). Many of these institutions subscribe to the Association through an annual fee and, in doing so, secure individual membership for their teaching staff at a group rate. A searchable list of institutions that are current members of the Association is included on the Subscribing Institutions page - if you are a teaching member of one of these institutions but have not been registered with Association as an individual member then please contact

Connect through Membership Groups

The Association facilitates a range of working, issue-based and regional (WIRE) groups where members meet to progress particular projects; develop an area of interest; or gather to share learning and support at a regional level. Each group is chaired or enabled by one of our strategic development committee members in order that progress is reported back to the Directorship. The strategic development committee (SDC) is a gathering of members that hold a representative function for the Association as WIRE group enablers or other sector engagement. The SDC meets with the Associations Directors and acts as a membership council, or senate, for the Association. The SDC aims to be fully representative of our membership and we welcome new representation, regularly reviewing and renewing membership of the SDC through our Annual General Meeting.

Connect through Agency Affiliation

The Association maintains a closer working relationship with a number of agencies that have allied interests in the field of youth and community work education. A selection of agencies with whom the Association and its members regularly work is included on Sector Affiliates page. Sector Affiliates have ‘affiliate status’ of the Association through nominated officers.