Members Connect 6.0 - Collaborations in 2020-2021

Members Connect 6.0 - Collaborations in 2020-2021

We held our sixth ‘members connect’ online conversation on 26th June and convened to discuss collaborations in 2020-2021 as we look towards the new academic year.

The discussion focussed on areas where members have found collaboration with their peers to be impactful and areas where further collaborations would help strengthen individual confidence, the standing of courses within their institutions and the role of academics in our subject discipline.

There was a rich discussion that highlighted current and future opportunities for collaboration between members across the four nations, these included:

1. Peer support for new academics

It was recognised that ‘breaking into the profession’ can be a lonely and intimidating process. Colleagues shared stories of their own struggles, the ‘steep learning curve’ in joining the academy and the dangers of burnout. It was suggested that the Association could provide opportunities for new academics to meet across institutions, share challenges and access the experience of ‘friendly faces’.

2. Peer support for post-graduate research and writing

The Association has made some initial steps towards convening post-graduate researchers through our seminar programme (offering opportunities to present emerging research to a friendly audience) and we have held some initial writing workshops. These were seen as a valuable extension to member activity and will resume in 2020-2021.

3. Knowledge exchange that promotes critical pedagogy

It was suggested we ‘don’t talk enough’ about our teaching and learning practices. While there is a richness of experience across the 250 educators in the Association, it was recognised we could do more to share our practices, resources and challenges in an increasingly marketized sector.

4. Collaboration across regions and nations

Colleagues shared their experiences of the emerging regional / national groups that are convening to collaborate around the UK. It was commented that these regional groups served to ‘cement relationships’ between members at a local level. These groups are exploring ways to raise the profile of the sector, learning opportunities for students across institutions and collaborative projects. It was noted that the Association will be re-launching its collaborative seminar programme in 2020-2021 to build on regional collaborations.

5. Collaboration across areas of common interest

It was discussed that a number of important themes are best served when colleagues collaborate in research, writing and activism. Some themes have developed this year and it was noted that the Association will have funding available to explore thematic groups in 2020-2021. Suggestions for thematic groups are invited from across the membership.

6. Mentoring for career development

A valuable point was made about the importance of having youth and community work professionals in senior positions across Universities. However, there is often a lack of support or awareness of how to progress within the system. It was suggested the Association might consider mentoring or peer-links for those exploring career progressions, whether this be in HEA applications or institutional management roles.

There was also a common agreement that collaboration was a growing strength across the Association and a core benefit of membership. The National Officer agreed to feed these ideas into the ongoing review of work areas that form the strategic direction for the Association.

Any further feedback of suggestions can be addressed to: